We rejoice and give thanks every day, but what a wonderful national tradition to take a special day to count our blessings and recognize the awesome provision of God in our lives. Nicaragua has many holidays and celebrates many things, but there is no day of Thanksgiving to God among them. We are privileged as a family to thank and glorify Him and receive His joy as we bring His kingdom to the hurting lives around us. It has been a good year, a reflection of the goodness of our God and His faithfulness.
We are so thankful for the participation of so many of you working with us through your offerings and prayers. We could not do what we do without your support. Thank you for being instruments of God’s provision for us and all those we help here.
A brief overview for those who are new on our mailing list: In July of 2008 we passed the direction of La Fuente, the church we pioneered in Matagalpa, to Pastor Raul Castro and the leadership we discipled and established there. This past year the walk of transition has continued. The leadership has made good decisions as Earl maintained a strong mentoring relationship with Pastor Raul giving counsel and guidance as needed. Presently, La Fuente is needing to rent a different location, and is praying for funds to purchase a permanent location; please pray for them. It is very rewarding to see continued growth and maturity in the lives of the people as they reach out to touch others. They have internalized the message, “Freely you have received, freely give.”
In October 2008 we moved to Jinotega, the second of five targeted cities, to start a new ministry. Our first endeavor began with Earl teaching English classes to meet new people and establish friendships while helping them in a practical way. Some of these students now attend our small English fellowship on Sunday mornings or one of our Spanish Bible studies. Others have sought our counsel or asked us to pray for specific needs in their lives. God is working, and we give Him thanks.
The recognized gift of teaching in Earl’s life has opened new doors of opportunity and influence, allowing ministry to a wide range of people, from other pastors to coffee farm workers; a bank manager and poor country folk; Young Life leaders, Youth with a Mission disciples, and people on the street; school teachers and hurricane victims.
The Good News of salvation is for all people. (See Earl’s blog http://alcanzarelmundo.blogspot.com for a report with pictures of his recent trip to Bluefields on the Atlantic Coast to help two communities affected by Hurricane Ida.)
Our family is doing well and continues to mature. In December, Cheree will finish the classroom part of her university studies here in Nicaragua and she also works with the church in the area of Graphic Design. John, a freshman, is studying Business at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Judah is finishing his high school courses and plans to attend a discipleship school before starting his university studies in Mechanical Engineering. Lance and Luke are advancing with their high school studies along with sports, art, and music interests. The house princesses, Kelsy and Esperanza, bring joy and beauty to our hearts. Finally, Earl’s mom maintains her participation as she helps home-schools the girls.
One tremendous blessing we experienced this year was the help of two young ladies in the area of home-schooling our boys. Jessica Bailey and Cherith VonBerg greatly lightened Bev’s load, enabling her to join Earl more in the ministry and also teach and counsel women. Jessica returned to the States the end of August; Cherith’s time with us has just come to an end. We will greatly miss her. Pray that others would be interested in investing in Nicaragua by ministering to us in this area.
Also, pray for increased monthly support so we can rent a larger house with family privacy and ministry space. We pray you will experience God’s provision and joy as you reflect on giving Him thanks this year.
Thanks again for your faithful monthly support and prayers.
Blessings and peace
Earl and Beverly; Cheree, John, Judah, Lance, Luke, Kelsy and Esperanza; and Barbara
Mailing address:
Earl and Beverly Rutledge
2011 W. Marshall Ave.
Longview, TX 75604
For donations write checks to:
World Outreach Fellowship.
Note: for Nicaragua Missions-Rutledge