The biggest and most exciting news for this quarter is the wedding of our daughter Cheree. On June 5th, Cheree married Vicente Diaz, a young man from Matagalpa who now works in EstelĂ as a civil engineer. It was a very special day for all of us: a rewarding result of 24 years of sowing into Cheree’s life as her parents, and the last 10 years of investing in Vicente as his pastor and teacher. We would appreciate your prayers for God’s favor and direction for them as they start their future together. Cheree is finishing her final graphic design project and will graduate from the university the end of November.
Our home remains the focal point of our ministry, and we are thankful for the larger area we now have. It provides privacy for the family while still being adequate for overnight guests, English classes, counseling sessions, and meetings. We are finally proceeding in our desire to establish a regular prayer room where people come to pray and receive prayer for special needs in their lives. We want to establish a “hot spot” where the presence of God is so strong that people are drawn to Him as Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Provider, El Shaddai,… We want them to leave changed by their encounter with Him and desirous to come back to enjoy His presence once again. Our prayer room will also serve as a training ground for those in our study groups, teaching them to pray more effectively for people in need.
Part of our calling is to minister to ministers, and teach those who will in turn teach others, so we are pleased to have two single women missionaries as part of our regular Sunday morning English fellowship. Earl recently started condensing his English teaching into 250-400 words and posting it in his English and Spanish blogs. Visit A Look in the Mirror. Our Sunday evening service is in Spanish, and we are encouraged by a recent increase in attendance. Pray for the discipleship process to bring changes to their everyday lives.
We also are glad to co-labor with Young Life. Three of their leadership couples and one from our Sunday evening study completed our recent eight week marriage course. We finished with a 24 hour marriage encounter in Matagalpa. The time included fun dynamics, Christian fellowship, practical teachings, delicious food, and a special night away in a hotel. Due to desire on the couples’ parts, we continue meeting to teach and expand on topics they have requested.
Bev coordinated a pastor’s wives retreat which included ladies from both Matagalpa and Jinotega. Thanks to First Assembly in Fort Meade, FL, each one received a small gift to encourage her that God does see her efforts and rewards His servants. Each was also pampered with a manicure, pedicure, facial, or a new hair style. They returned to their husbands and churches not only spiritually uplifted, but also emotionally strengthened and physically blessed.
We give thanks for the funds that subsidized the cost of these events. We know the investment of your donations will bring forth much fruit.
Bev frequently counsels and prays with ladies that are experiencing difficult emotional and relational problems. The exercise class that she attends has spurred many new ladies coming to seek prayer. God will use you everywhere that you are open to being a channel of His love.
Judah recently graduated from home school and scored very high on his SAT. We are very proud of him. Before pursuing a university career in Mechanical Engineering, he will spend ten months with 24/7, a Leadership/missions program in Mexico City.
John successfully completed his first year at JBU with a 3.85 GPA. We enjoy having him home for the summer. We are grateful for the scholarships and grants that cover the majority of his expenses and we continue believing God for complete payment of his schooling. Presently he still needs two student loans.
- Successful discipleship and growth
- Protection and health
- Increased provision for schooling and travel
- A volunteer to help with home schooling
- Influence in the city
Pray for Grandma Rutledge, our wonderful helper for home school and with the younger children. She is still fighting repeated health problems, this time related to her colon.
May God richly bless you for your donations and prayers which are so vital to our ministry.
Thanks again!
The Rutledges