Jinotega, Nicaragua, January 2011
Happy New Year! Our awesome God reigns in goodness, wisdom, power, and love, and we rejoice in His steadfast character and in knowing Him. Our 2010 was a year of change for our family as well as a year of growth in relationships. We have established a prayer room in Jinotega, and have ministered to many in the area of forgiveness of past offenses and healing of previous relational wounds, allowing present relationships to improve. We have seen spiritual renewal and peoples’ relationships with Father God restored, and are discipling those who desire to grow deeper in their relationship with Him.
Earl focused on relationships in Jinotega through English classes, English and Spanish Bible studies/home groups, a marriage group and one-on-one discipleship. Other activities included teaching in Young Life Leadership camps, Youth with a Mission Discipleship School, Thompson Chain Reference Bible training, and trips to the States. Oversight of the Matagalpa church continues.
Family wise Earl officiated Cheree’s wedding in June and less than three months later buried his mom. In all these experiences of rejoicing, caring, and parting, God’s light shined giving new revelation and understanding of Father God’s love, peace and joy.
In September Bev took a break from her busy roles of mom, teacher, hostess, nurse, "pastora" and counselor, to travel with Lance to visit her folks in Minnesota for 3 weeks. After Cheree and Vicente's June wedding and Earl's sister’s visit in July, Bev spent several difficult weeks of caring for Earl's mom during her rapid decline in health until her eternal home-going the end of August. We are thankful that we had the privilege of Grandma living with us these last 8 years and for her legacy of doing all for God's glory. The void created by Grandma’s absence has greatly affected our home school, and we are thankful for Judah curtailing his study plans temporarily to fill in the large gap during this adjustment period in our lives.
Cheree and Vicente have had a great six months of marriage. God constantly provides in varied and creative ways! After five months of intense work, Cheree graduated with honors in Graphic Design and Publicity. They pray that, in this New Year, God will provide a work outlet in her career that allows flexibility to care for house and husband. Vicente works full time at a civil engineering firm and teaches classes Saturdays at a local university. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom to make good decisions in their marriage and work, confirming how they can serve Him in Estelí.
Our oldest son John is settled down at John Brown University, has a solid group of friends, and just finished the first semester of his sophomore year. He is a triple major in International Business, Marketing, and Management and is on track to graduate in 2013, 4 years after starting. Needless to say, when in school, John is a busy person. Through earning academic scholarships he has managed to pay a great majority of his college tuition. The chance to receive a quality education coupled with a positive college experience is a great blessing to him.
Judah finished high school with a 4.0 average, and has added knife making to his existing array of arts. He planned to begin a leadership school in September, but because of his
Gram's death and other delays he changed plans and helped mom home school his younger siblings this past fall. He starts a YWAM Discipleship Training School in Oakridge, New Zealand this February. It consists of three months of teaching followed by two months of application through outreach. Judah is responsible for paying the cost of his outreach, $3300, and all contributions are welcome. He starts classes at LeTourneau University in August.
Lance considers 2010 a year of accomplishments and opportunities. For Cheree’s wedding, he dressed up in slacks, a long sleeved shirt and a tie. This was a major accomplishment, since he considers a collar shirt and jeans ‘’dressed up’’. In September, Lance visited his grandparents in Minnesota. Grandpa has a garage that is practically a whole machine shop, and he learned how to operate several tools and machines during his breaks from cleaning the garage and carpeting the attic. This trip was a tremendous vacation and a definite cultural experience. Lance plays soccer, sculpts with clay, and enjoys a large variety of music.
Luke has had a hard but successful year. The year was difficult because his grandmother died. He misses being able to help her and talk with her. It has also been a productive year for him in school. He is in the 9th grade and his grades have improved significantly. Luke has a knack for connecting, setting up and operating things like computers, iPods, televisions, cameras, DVD/CD players and other electronics. He is also extremely active and enjoys climbing. He is helpful and caring with his sisters.
Kelsy has greatly missed not having Grandma as her teacher this year, but is doing well in 6th grade. She enjoys her Bible class most and read the entire Bible this year. She likes reading and recently finished all the Narnia books by C.S. Lewis. She also likes to write. Six weeks ago on a family trip to San Juan del Sur to help with a library celebration she was excited to get her ears pierced. She has learned to cook more things this year and helps mom by taking care of her younger sister, playing “let’s pretend,” dolls, other games and having tea parties.
Esperanza, energy personified, is always looking for “something fun to do.” She enjoys playing with dolls, kindergarten computer games, drawing, and painting but prefers to be doing whatever someone else is doing and being in the middle of wherever there is action. She is Dad’s constant companion when he goes to pay bills or run other errands and is a ready student for Mom to teach.
We appreciate your prayers, letters, emails, chats and financial support. This year in ministry we are looking at new challenges, relationships and opportunities which include more travel here in Nicaragua and the US, greater financial commitments and constant wisdom from Father God regarding plans and priorities.
Please Pray for:
- New and developing ministry opportunities in Jinotega and Somoto
- Financial needs, especially regarding university costs and Judah’s YWAM [$8000 needed urgently]
- Expanding the ministry of inner/emotional healing
- Development of a network that includes our contacts in Matagalpa, Jinotega, Estelí and Somoto
- Purchase of property for the church in Matagalpa
- Our older three children as they marry, go to the university, and grow and mature as adults
- Our four younger children as they continue to grow and prepare for their own unique destinies
- Relationships as we continue to minister alongside Young Life, YWAM Nicaragua, and Bethel Church
Thank you again for your prayers and support of our ministry. We pray God’s excellent goodness and unfailing merciful kindness will follow you throughout this year; that His joy will sustain you when the road seems difficult; and that you will experience His presence and Everlasting Arms of love in a greater way in 2011.
Blessings and peace,
Earl, Bev, and family
Email: norixzeta@gmail.com
Letters, cards and donations:
World Outreach Fellowship
2011 W. Marshall Ave.
Longview, TX 75604
Write checks to World Outreach Fellowship.
Separately, indicate: “for Nicaragua/Earl & Bev Rutledge.”