Earl and Bev Rutledge
Blessings and
I have realized that
thankfulness is the key to humility and faith. Thanksgiving is key to humility
because it reminds us that all comes from the Father of Lights. He is
our designer, source, life and salvation. Thanksgiving is key to faith because
it reminds us of all ABBA has done for us. Remembering what He has done causes
faith to arise so we believe He
will do it again. Truly our Eternal Father is the source of all and He is
ready and willing to "do it again".
Give thanks and believe.
We give thanks for Dunamis Institute members Chris Walker, Sam
Hale and Judy McManus (intercessor) for their investment of time and
effort to come and teach the In the Spirit's Power track of
Dunamis. The team, with Earl as translator, realized two seminars in 4 days. It
was an enjoyable and profitable time.
In Jinotega they
taught Ignite from 8 am til 8 pm to 30 participants including
7 pastors. In Matagalpa the teaching started Friday night and ended Sunday at
noon with a registered participation of 47 people.
During the review on
Saturday evening the pastors commented that the teaching was scriptural,
practical and understandable, and the group lab times were a great opportunity
to practice and process what they had learned. We all look forward to their return in the spring to teach
the Prayer track.
Bev spent 3 weeks with
her parents in Florida while her dad underwent a knee replacement surgery in
Orlando. It was a tremendous answer to prayer for her to stay at a friend of a
friend's for 4 nights while her dad was in the hospital. God's hand at
work was confirmed when wediscovered
that her hostess lived only 4 miles from the hospital.
Dad's recovery is going well; he is walking more normal and with less pain than he has in years. We thank God for His healing touch and for allowing Bev to help her parents during this time.
The kids did a commendable job of cleaning, cooking, and laundering during Bev's absence, and even Esperanza entered into the work. Luke and Kelsy also spent 3 days at an Identity Youth Conference. We give thanks for this "epic" experience that impacted their lives.
As we close the year we also give thanks for the maturing of our older children and their achievements.
Dad's recovery is going well; he is walking more normal and with less pain than he has in years. We thank God for His healing touch and for allowing Bev to help her parents during this time.
The kids did a commendable job of cleaning, cooking, and laundering during Bev's absence, and even Esperanza entered into the work. Luke and Kelsy also spent 3 days at an Identity Youth Conference. We give thanks for this "epic" experience that impacted their lives.
As we close the year we also give thanks for the maturing of our older children and their achievements.
past months in Norway have truly been a wonderful experience
for me as I have learned so much about God and myself; creativeness and
living in a community. I have had several weeks of teaching (two of
which have been "knowing God and making Him known" and "kingdom
principles") and other weeks devoted to classes in fine art, classic
art and graphic design.
During a creative
exercise, I painted a prophetic painting for one of
my classmates.
meaning behind this painting is this: the light emanating from the figure is
the presence of the Holy Spirit. Because of His presence, the grass near
to her turns green, and where the light reaches, things turn to gold. Because
of the Holy Spirit in her, wherever she goes, she will prosper.
semester is nearly over and it has been the most challenging so far in terms of
hours and difficulty of classes. Most of my classes are directly linked to
engineering, so I am heavily laden with math and technical science courses. I
would greatly appreciate prayer for understanding and discipline in my courses.

Please pray for God's
continued provision.
He's been good!
He won't stop now.
I am
wrapping up my senior year at John Brown University next semester,
and I will graduate with a BA in International Business and a minor in
marketing. I love my major and I've been busy completing my capstone
business project. This is a two semester long project integrated with a class
called Strategic Management. Students choose teams of 4 people and then work
together to develop a business from the ground up. This includes strategic
growth plans and financials for the first five years of operations. I've been
blessed with incredible teammates and together we've
learned how unattainable perfection can seem at times, but we are pressing on!
On top of the
"all consuming" capstone project, I am also president for JBU's
chapter of Enactus. This club focuses on the application of entrepreneurship to
social development in countries all over the world. Leading a team of officers
has been a great learning experience, and the role is providing me with
leadership skills and opportunities to network.
I am currently
applying for jobs in the Northwest Arkansas area and am interested in pursuing
a masters degree. Prayers for God's direction are appreciated as I approach a
new season in life.
Without you we could
not minister to Nicaragua.
Thank you for your
prayer and financial support.
Prayer needs:
· Greater
knowledge and understanding of God's plan in Nicaragua
· Favor
with whom we are working
· Increased
financial support to cover our increased travel in Nicaragua and to the
· Funds
for Lance's Discipleship Training School and outreach expenses to Southeast
If you desire, you can send support to our World Outreach
Fellowship address. Thank you
Grace and peace,
Earl and Bev Rutledge
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